THE calendar year began in the best way possible this morning, with nine Saints registering personal best times in a 2km time trial at Casey Fields.

The temperature was nudging 30 degrees by mid morning, making the strong performances even more impressive in trying conditions.

Jack Newnes ran his third personal best time this pre-season, blitzing the field and finishing well ahead of the second placed Sean Dempster.

Maverick Weller also ran a PB (Personal Best), cutting nine seconds off his time and finishing less than a metre in front of Josh Saunders in third place.

David Armitage rounded out the top five and clocked a personal best time in the process.

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Six of the top 10 finished with PBs including Dylan Roberton who smashed his previous best by 11 seconds. The defender struggled throughout 2014 with an ankle complaint, but showed no signs of ill health throughout the five laps of Casey Fields athletics track. 

Roberton led the field for the first 700 metres, setting a frantic pace from the outset.  

Sixth placed Markworth, like Newnes, ran his third PB of the pre-season, further illustrating his supreme fitness following knee and hamstring issues over the past two years. 

High Performance Manager Adam Basil was delighted with the efforts of the playing group.

"Nine personal best times is a great result in hot conditions," Basil told

"The fact Sean Dempster ran his second PB of the pre-season and finished third at the age of 30 shows how committed these guys are to improvement.

"Likewise Josh Bruce, who ran a PB despite spending a considerable amount of time in rehab."

Final placings: Top 10

1st - Jack Newnes (PB)

2nd - Sean Dempster (PB)

3rd - Maverick Weller (PB)

4th - Josh Saunders

5th - David Armitage (PB)

6th - Daniel Markworth (PB)

7th - Eli Templeton

8th - Dylan Roberton (PB)

9th - Daniel McKenzie

10th - Seb Ross/Tom Curren

Other personal bests: Josh Bruce, Darren Minchington, Brenton Payne