Join fellow like-minded, passionate Saints supporters and have your name etched in perpetuity on a seat within our inner Sanctum: the St Kilda Football Club theatrette. This is the heart of our football experience where coaches and players plot and review past and upcoming game-day tactics throughout the season to gain that performance edge.

You can participate in this journey by putting your name on one of 66 seats we have within the theatrette. Both the men’s and women’s teams utilise the theatrette throughout the season utilising all the skills of the broad coaching network and professional supporting expertise in psychology, dietics, performance and resilience.

Recognition is provided not only with your name on a plaque on one of the theatrette seats, but you are also recognised with an exclusive coloured “Club 66” wedge on our honour wall. This sets you apart and recognises your special contribution over and above your current level of support.

Through our partnership with the Australian Sports Foundation, any donation over $2 is tax deductible.